Friday, December 27, 2019

How to Use a New Job Offer to Re-Negotiate Your Current Salary

How to Use a New Job Offer to Re-Negotiate Your Current SalaryHow to Use a New Job Offer to Re-Negotiate Your Current Salary Salary negotiations can be a tricky game to play. If youre currently very happy in your job, but an offer finds its way into your lap (say, through a headhunter reaching out, or a previous employer trying to win you back with an offer you cant refuse), should you leverage this offer to negotiate a higzu sich salary? The answer would really depend on your willingness to tarnish the relationship with your current organization, and your willingness to jump ship should a manager call your bluff. With those risks in mind, the end result could be positive and result in a healthy salary increase. Should you decide that leveraging an external opportunity is the route you want to take, here are some Dos and Donts to keep in mind when stepping into these kinds of negotiation talks . You love your current job but youre willing to leave and accept the e xternal offer if your current organization is unwilling to match the salary. Only have the conversation if youre 100% ready to take your new external offer. Assume youre going into the conversation with the mentality that you would take the offer should your manager not be willing to match. If youre not fully ready to accept the new offer , you could be left in a worse off stelle than before as you risk hurting the relationship you have with your current company. Take some time to objectively look at your own performance and position, as well as the relationship with your boss. If you know youre a top performer on your team, and the organization would do whatever it takes to keep you, then you could be very successful with negotiating through an external offer. However, if youre not leading the pack, your boss could have an easier time parting ways with you than expected. How long have you been with the organization? If youve just started, making high demands could likely refle ct poorly on your professional brand .Be hostile in any way. Rather, highlight your loyalty to the organization, passion for the role, and desire to stay on board. Alan Zel, President and CEO of Aikinu staffing , cautions to be very moderate, and approach this conversation with a soft pedal , as it will reflect upon you negatively if you come across as exploitative or aggressive. In this situation, its important to highlight that you really want to stay within the organization.You love your job, but youre not willing to take the external offer should the conversation not go in your favor. Remember to think through if youre willing to play the negotiation game. Gain data and confidence . If youre not in a space where accepting the alternative offer is a realistic option for you, you can use this offer as data about your value within the market. With this data, and hopeful boost of confidence in mind, you can platzdeckchen up a meeting with your boss to review your role, your accom plishments, and discuss how your compensation lines.Use your external offer as a negotiation bluff. If youre not prepared to follow through with the offer, then going into negotiations will make yourself vulnerable and tell your boss that youre looking for a new role and potentially checked out. This could create a hostile environment for you to be working in as it will leave a sour taste in your boss mouth.Unfortunately, in many situations, you might need to light some fire under your company in order to get the compensation you deserve . If youre job seeking, and you want to leave for reasons beyond salary, then accepting any counter-offers wont be worth your time as youll remain unhappy. However, if the salary is your main point of contention, then leveraging an external offer might not be a terrible move. While there are many associated risks, if you play your cards right, show your company that youre still committed, and can build a case for your value, you could reap major re wards Stacy Pollack is a Learning Specialist with an MA in Educational Technology. She is passionate about building leadership programs that engage and contribute to the success of her organization. She loves to share her perspective on workplace development, career building, and networking for success. Connect with her on LinkedIn , Twitter , or at

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Four Great Career Stories From This Years Nobel Prize Winners

Four Great Career Stories From This Years Nobel Prize WinnersFour Great Career Stories From This Years Nobel Prize WinnersLast month, the winners of this years Nobel prizes were announced. Ignoring the Bob Dylan debacle, there are plenty of things we can learn from the lives of these candidates geniuses, all, at the top of their field.Here are some great stories from four laureates that will inspire you in your career and beyond.Michael KosterlitzJohn Michael Kosterlitz might be a joint Nobel Physics Prize winner these days, but things werent looking that way to stspecies. Now a professor of physics at Brown, with degrees from Oxford and Cambridge to his name, hes credited on Wikipedia as a British-American. But John was actually born to a family of Jewish German refugees in the run-up to World War II.Why? Michaels father was a German national Hans Kosterlitz. Hans fled Berlin in 1934 to escape anti-semitic laws under the new Nazi government, settling in Scotland. Acquiring work in Aberdeen, his family followed soon after. Hans went on to become a pioneering biochemist with his work of endorphins and drugs, mora than justifying the British governments safe-haven. His son did pretty well too.The lesson to learn? Genius can come from anyone, anywhere. Hans Kosterlitz probably didnt want to end up in Aberdeen, but he made the best of a bad deal and its to the betterment of British-American science that he did.Fascinatingly, the idea for Hans most famous experiment came to him in a dream. We wonder if his son was similarly inspired when he produced his Nobel-nabbing research.Bob DylanBob Dylan a name synonymous with American folk, Greenwich Village and 60s/70s counterculture. Which would be fine Except Dylan isnt his name its Zimmerman.Thats right. Bob was originally Robert Allen Zimmerman or Shabtai Zisl ben Avraham a Jewish American of Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Turkish descent. He changed his name at university to Dillon, possibly after a TV show character, an d began spelling it Dylan in imitation of the poet, Dylan Thomas.Dylan didnt change his name because he admired the writer. As he himself said back in 1978 I havent read that much of Dylan Thomas Sometimes you are held back by your name. Sometimes there are advantages to having a certain name.Precisely, Bob there are advantages. In this case, the name Dylan was going to look better in lights than Zimmerman, and he knew it. A folk singer with an Irish name was bound to do better than a German one. Young Bobby wasnt posturing. He was re-branding.Names are labels so we can refer to one another, Dylan continued in the same interview. But deep inside us we dont have a name. We have no name. No wonder he nailed that Nobel for Literature.Sir Fraser Stoddart Another Brit who, along with Ben Faringa and Jean-Pierre Sauvage, took the Chemistry award this year. Stoddart has humble enough origins he grew up in 40s Scotland, in a house without electricity or modern technology, as the son of a t enant farmer.Despite this, the knight of the nano realm credits his dads philosophy for his success. My father used to say, Son, stick in until you stick out, Stoddart shared in one interview. Whether its passing examinations when you are a student, obtaining an academic position, getting grant applications funded, or publishing articles in the best journals, you just have to hang in there until it works out for the best.Stoddart made an early decision in his career to avoid the traditional side of his science. I was never in any way drawn to chemistry by bangs and smells, he has claimed. The decision to be different worked out for him his atypical research into molecular machines has put him at the forefront of his field.Whats more, since the 1980s, Stoddart used his deep interest in art to pioneer a whole new style of scientific presentation. His cartoon-style depictions of molecules are published along with his research, and use different colours to better communicate the make-up of a unit. Using an instantly recognisable, standardised colour scheme, Stoddart ensures that all his work carries his artistic hallmark. Neat bit of branding, that.Duncan HaldaneDuncan Haldane, a theoretical physicist, worked along with J. Michael Kosterlitz and David Thouless to obtain the physics medal. However it was chemistry that originally captured him at university. In a Princeton interview, he explained why things fell though. After a few experiences in the chemical or biology lab, I decided I should not let myself near any kind of nasty chemicals or radioactive materials, so after having a few spills on myself I decided I was going to be a theorist.In his Nobel interview, the Brit talked about how his research was originally dismissed as useless. We should never say things like Whats it used for? Because all the big discoveries of really useful things dont really come about because someone sits down and thinks I want to discover something useful Its very difficult to know whether something is useful or not, but one can know that its exciting.Because Haldane went ahead with the work that fascinated him, he furthered our understanding of exotic matter in a way that made deeper research possible. It just goes to show sometimes, you just have to follow your gut.Need more inspiration? Unless you possess a Milhouse-level of prescience, you may have to wait until next years announcements. Until then, be safe in the knowledge that, come December, all of the laureates will attend Stockholm to accept their awards yes, even Freewheelin Bob.Inspiring Interns agraduate recruitmentagencywhich specialises in sourcing candidates forinternshipjobs and giving outgraduate careers advice.Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Life Aboard a Coast Guard Cutter

Life Aboard a Coast Guard CutterLife Aboard a Coast Guard CutterReveille, Reveille, Reveille - Up, up all late sleepers. Youre tuned to WMEC Forward 9-1-1 on your radio dial. The skies are clear, the temperature is 86 degrees, and were currently about 15 nautical miles off the coast of the northern claw of Haiti. BMC James Jordans voice rumbles over the intercom through passageways and berthing areas of the CGC Forward (WMEC-911) with thumping hip-hop music in the background. The crew of the Forward wakes up to Jordans booming radio personality voice just about every morning theyre underway. This is the cue for groggy mid-watchers to roll out of their racks and start another long workday. A Day in the Life This is the rarely advertised and seldom-celebrated life of the men and women who work on the Coast Guards mora than 31 medium-and high-endurance cutters. A Coast Guard cutter is a fusion of young and old sailors, those with years of sea time and those with days, those who ha ve traveled the world and those who have never left their hometown. Jordan recites the weather and the plan of the day for the rousing crewmembers, while never breaking from the disc jockey character he plays so well. In a world where routine and tradition are often set aside for operational needs, this is a welcome recurring event. You know youre doing a good thing when you can make people look forward to waking up in the morning, said Jordan. These men and women spend more than 185 days on average away from their family and friends, and aside from the occasional grumble or homesick remark, the men and women of the Forward are happy on the 270 feet they call home. Underway duty is not necessarily harder (than shore duty), just a different lifestyle. In the end, the missions are a little different, but the goal is always the saatkorn excellence, said BMC George Smith, the chief of the Forwards deck division. Every aspect of underway life is vastly different from shore duty at a sta tion, a group or a support unit. People underway long to pull into port to hear the voice of a loved one, while at the same time rounding off an eight-hour workday and eight hours of watch. Mess cooks sweat in a hot scullery washing dishes for 14 hours and desire to be on the bridge or in the engine room learning the trades that may someday be their career. When youre on land, you have more chances to participate in your community, but when youre on a cutter, that is your community, said Smith. The fact that everything is different is just one of the challenges a newly assigned basic training or class A school graduate faces when reporting aboard a cutter. Seamen, firemen, and junior petty officers gather on the mess deck of the Forward just about every night to become proficient in damage control, the only hope the crew will have to save their ship if something should happen underway. The crew is taught firefighting, plugging, patching, dewatering and basic first aid. They are req uired to know the location of every dewatering pump and firefighting station onboard. This rigorous training is squeezed in between their normal eight-hour workday and eight hours of watch. Skills Always Being Tested Everyone on the ship has his or her skills tested on a regular basis. Every day is usually marked by fire drills, boat lowering details, law enforcement boardings or flight quarters. Every operation requires the participation of everyone onboard. Senior officers and chiefs walk young officers and enlisted members through every imaginable damage control scenario aboard the Forward on a regularbasis. The ship is transformed into a classroom, where mock fires and engine causalities consume the boat. Ensigns and lieutenants junior grade send repair parties and fire teams out to stop imaginary flooding and fires young petty officers lead firefighting teams into the engine room all the while their senior leadership prompts them on the correct procedures and methods. Its so important that they learn behauptung skills, said CWO2 David Cornelius, the main propulsion assistant on board the Forward. Its not like your house where you can just go out on your front lawn and wait for the fire department. On a ship, youve got nowhere to go. Law enforcement boardings are an equally complicated and important mission. Within hours of becoming the command tasking unit for Coast Guard assets participating in Operation Able Sentry, an operation aimed at deterring illegal migration off the coast of Haiti, the crew of the Forward had already conducted two boardings and was following another seemingly suspicious sailboat in the Windward Passage in the Caribbean Sea. Boardings are an all-hands evolution and come at all hours of the day and night. On April 22, at about 11 p.m., the boarding team was awakened to board a vessel the bridge watch spotted leaving Haiti. The Forward was under strict orders to board any vessel departing Haitian waters. A handful of enlisted m embers and two officers were chosen to go on the boarding. The six men and women climbed down a ladder from the safety of the cutter to a waiting Coast Guard small boat in the black of night. Because the captain of the 82-foot cargo ship spoke little English, a Haitian interpreter accompanied the team. In heavy seas, the team motored over to a third-world style vessel consumed by rust, corrosion, and filth. The boarding team had to leap aboard at the risk of falling in the dark Caribbean Sea. Once aboard the rickety old cargo ship, the boarding team fanned out and checked every space for drugs, migrants, and weapons, taking care not to slip through one of the many rust holes that dotted the interior and exterior of the ship. The boarding officer and assistant boarding officer headed to the bridge to check passports, visas and shipping documents. Even though there were only six Coast Guardsmen on board the cargo ship, there were many more back at the Forward supporting them. The comb at control center kept close contact with the 7th District and reported every detail of the boarding back to them. Electronics technicians controlled cameras and spotlights, helping officers and chiefs on the bridge keep a sharp lookout for the men and women sent to board a virtually unknown vessel. Deckhands waited on the Forwards boat deck to pull their shipmates to safety after their mission was complete. Engineers responded to every speed and pitch command from the personnel on the bridge. There was even a cook in the kche im flugzeug oder zug preparing a hot meal for the crew after the boarding was complete. Each department, each division and each person on board the Forward rely upon one another to accomplish their missions. Cutter teams all across the Coast Guard are answering the call to duty. The commandant of the Coast Guard has temporarily ordered the increase of patrol lengths for all the medium and high endurance cutters in the fleet by 10 days and decreased the freque ncy of mid-patrol breaks for the crew in response to the nations national security needs at home and abroad. This means less time at home with loved ones and less time in port where a phone call can be made. The crew of the Forward is aware of the change, but few seem concerned. This may sound strange coming from a guy with three kids and a wife at home, but we have a job to do out here, said Jordan. Were going to do that job no matter how long it takes. No matter how long their patrols are, the crew of the Forward will continue to operate with the rest of the cutter fleet. Crews will patrol the waters of faraway lands and those close to home just as they have done for the past 200 years.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Salary Negotiation Tips Torn Between Two (Possible) Offers

Salary Negotiation Tips Torn Between Two (Possible) OffersSalary Negotiation Tips Torn Between Two (Possible) OffersHow do I balance an offer in hand with a potentially mora interesting one that I am still interviewing for?Q I was extended an offer and told I must make a decision by end of week, but Im supposed to hear back about a role that is more interesting to me the Monday after - what should I do?A You want to delay Company A and speed up Company B, so do that to the best of your ability. Come up with a reason, such as, It looks like we have all the elements down. I cant say yes at the moment for some personal reasons, but I am considering it very carefully. Heres what I can promise you I need three to four days to talk to a couple of people, and when Im finished, Ill come back and Ill either say, Great, lets go forward or its leid the right career move for me at this time. I wont say yes just to have a job and then in a few months bail on your company. Thats why I need to mak e sure I have the time necessary to commit myself 100% and have no looking back over my shoulder or later regrets.The point is, why should they wait around for you to wait for something better? You owe it to Company A, who wants to know by Friday, to give them something for the wait. It wouldnt be fair to Company A to accept the job and then have regrets and take another job that comes along, so its in their interest and yours to figure out how you can extend the deadline.Next weeks question The compensation package the recruiter and I agreed to verbally does not match the actual written contract I received as an offer. How do I address this?

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Tried and True Method for Resume Google Docs in Step by Step Detail

The Tried and True Method for Resume Google Docs in Step by Step Detail Resume Google Docs the Ultimate Convenience Google Docs exports documents in several formats, making it simple to submit the appropriate file type to a hiring manager. In any case, the tool is universal. Google will automatically index your resume to get included in its search outcome, allowing potential employers to discover your information. Google provides a resume-builder tool which you are able to utilize to create a professional resume. Making your own google newsletter schablone may take a while. It is clear that the manner Word users define template isnt the exact way Google defines template. If you wish to find the Ms Word Docs file template, you need to be a subscriber. You will without a doubt locate the Google Spreadsheet templates you are searching for. Our project managers are prepared to connect you with a stellar design group and the fastest outsourcing service on the internet. Even web developers ought to be acquainted with things like data mining. You can set your job search files into specific folders to help organize your work search. Google doc is a location where youre able to store your document online free of charge. Google Docs makes it less difficult for understudies who have to conserve time from creating a format free of readiness. Google Docs also has a feature named Template, but its not precisely what you could think. Using Google Docs simply takes a computer with an online connection, which enables you to access it from any location on the planet without needing specific desktop applications or files. As soon as you have finished, return to the main Google Docs page. Google Docs is a handy tool for creating a variety of documents, including skilled company or individual newsletters. Google Docs letter templates supply you with a coordinated look to coincide with the kind of your resume. The completely free document templates it is possible to see in Google Docs are really helpful. Budget Spreadsheets have the right to be used for company, organization, institution purposes and even for private documentation. Best templates offers professional high quality agreements which are print and digital ready which allows you to edit and print anywhere you desire. Examples of New Charts in Spreadsheets allow you to gain from the options of graphical representation of information. The other icon, both boxes, allows you to make a copy of it. You will shortly observe that some resume templates are locked until you find yourself with a pro version for three or more months. Each month is on a different worksheet, and is also intended for print. All preceding versions, for instance, present edition, will nonetheless be available. Selling spreadsheets makes it possible to to construct a catalog of spreadsheets that it is possible to take with you and use in a variety of regions of your life. Possessing a blank spreadsheet is cur rently easy with the help of template. It is possible to download invoice templates in different formats from here. A blank spreadsheet template is one common type of template employed in number of factors. The One Thing to Do for Resume Google Docs For instance, you may decide to left-align crucial dates on your resume by including a left tab stop, which means that your dates are wholly aligned with one another. Theres a debate around whether its the case that you should incorporate the phrase References upon request on your resume. Monthly calendar Keeping an eye on zeiteinteilung on a project is essential to the success of your team. It is possible to use lots of them for free to personalize your cover letter or resume. Also, having the capability to examine your cover letter lets you create a full and satisfactory cover letter. Therefore, if youre planning to apply to get a job, making a thorough cover letter is among the things you must consider. In reality, one grand headline with an write-up can be sufficient for the front page.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

5 Steps to Developing Critical Thinking Skills

5 Steps to Developing Critical Thinking Skills Article by Sam MilamDo you react to situations based on your emotions or personal biases? Are you looking for ways to improve communicationwith those around you? Do you want to achieve more in your career?By adopting critical thinking skills, you can improve your ability to make objective, effective choices and arguments. Without these skills, your arguments can often be one-sided. Criticism can feel like a personal attack on your character rather than an opportunity to open up dialogue and communicate productively.Lets take a look at how to develop critical thinking skills so that you can walk into any situation with the tools needed to set intense emotions aside and makesmart decisions1. Become a Self-CriticThe very first and most important step in developing critical thinking skills is becoming a critic of your own thoughts and actions. Without self-reflection, you cannotgrow.You can break down your ow n thoughts by asking yourself why you believe something. When you do this, you need to clarify your thoughts by assessingyour response objectively and finding a solid logic supporting what you believe. When you self-reflect, you are able to step back and observe how you respond to situations.Important questions to ask during self-reflection include Why do I believe this? Can I think of examples in my life when this proved true or false? Am I attached to this idea emotionally? Why?Another aspect of becoming a self-critic is acknowledging your strengths, weaknesses, personal preferences, and biases. When you know this information, you can understand why you approach certain situations with certain perspectives. When you are aware of your viewpoint, you can step beyond it when necessary.2.Listen ActivelyThinking and listening are nearly impossible to do at the same time. To become a critical thinker, you need to be able to listen to others ideas, arguments, and criticisms without think ing about your response while they are speaking. You cant properly absorb the information someone is trying to convey if you dont take the time to truly listen.Listening allows you to feel empathy. When you hear someone elses perspective, you canunderstand their stories, their struggles, their passions, and their ideas. Actively listening allows you tounderstand what someone is trying to tell you because it pushes the conversation until all parties can reiterate what the other is trying to say.3. Analyze InformationNo one thinks critically at all times. Sometimes your joy, anger, sadness, or other emotions are too great. Other times, you struggle to focus on the central issue at hand.Critical thinking requires you to carefully analyze the information before you, whether it is information in your mind or information shared by others. To analyze information, first assess what is being said and ensure you clearly understand it. Then, you can dissect and appraise all arguments, includin g your own.4. Communicate NonviolentlyCritical thinking isnt much help if you cant communicate in a nonviolent, productive way. When listening to and analyzing arguments, you first need to recognize valid logic. Then, you need to communicate withthe other people involved in a productive way.The basis of nonviolent communication is compassion, observation, and collaboration. When you approach a scenario with compassion, you approach witha peaceful mindsetrather than a defensive one. When you observe, you can observe your arguments and others without judgment or emotional attachment. Collaboration naturally happens when everyone enters the process with a compassionate, open mind focused on solving theproblem at hand.5. Develop ForesightForesight is theability to predict the future impact of a decision, whichis critical for success in all aspects of your life. For example, when you move somewhere, you plan ahead to see what your job outlook is and what the neighborhood is like.Similarl y, if you are moving a business, it is wise to examine the impact of that decision. Will it be too far for some of your talented employees to commute? Will you lose customers? What will you gain?Every decision should be weighed carefully, its potential impacts considered closely, before it is made.A version of this article originally appeared Milam is a freelance writer hailing from the Pacific Northwest. Her focus is on discovering passions, developing skill sets, and honing the best, most productive versions of ourselves. She loves to travel, meet new people, and do yoga.